姓 名 |
贾梦宇 |
职 称 |
副研究员 |
所属部门 |
光电子科学技术系 |
所属课题组 |
生物医学光子学 |
办公地址 |
天津大学第17教学楼401室 |
电子邮件 |
jiamengyu1@tju.edu.cn |
通讯地址 |
天津市南开区卫津路92号天津大学精仪学院 |
邮政编码 |
300072 |
导师类型 | 光电子与光子学技术——博导,硕导 光学工程——硕导 电子信息(工程博士专业学位)——博导 |
个人经历或学术经历 |
教育 |
2012.9 - 2017.1:天津大学,博士, 生物医学工程专业,赵会娟教授 2006.9 - 2009.4:天津科技大学, 硕士, 测控专业, 2002.2 - 2006.6:天津科技大学, 学士, 测控专业 |
工作经历 |
2021.05 - 至今:天津大学,精密仪器与光电子工程学院,副研究员 2018.09 - 2021.03:斯坦福大学,医学院,博士后研究员,Prof. Lei Xing 2017.06 - 2018.09:达特茅斯学院,工学院,博士后研究员,Prof. Brian Pogue |
研究方向 |
光与电离辐射的交叉领域。通过发展新型成像技术和研究图像形成的数理机制及其基础上的先进图像重建算法,优化生物组织功能信息的提取,为疾病诊断、精准治疗及疗效预测提供客观及准确的临床影像信息。目前研究内容具体包括:Cherenkov荧光成像技术、基于深度学习的图像重建算法、亚扩散光学层析成像技术。 |
科研项目、成果、专利 |
1.面向放疗中氧效应关键参数的高灵敏度与多光谱Cherenkov 激发荧光成像方法,国自然面上项目(批准号:62175183),2022.01-2025.12,主持; 2.多光谱Cherenkov在放射治疗中的应用研究,天津大学自主基金项目,主持 3. 贾梦宇等,一种基于辐射致发光技术的精准放疗一体化质量评估系统 (专利号:202111400290.5) 4. 贾梦宇等,基于多频外差与时间门重叠编码的结构光三维测量方法 (专利号:202410126225.5) |
论文、专著 |
代表性论文: 1. M jia, Z Wei, F Gao, M Jiang, W Wang, Z Yuan, and B Pogue. Time-gated single-pixel imaging of Cherenkov emission from a medical linear accelerator. Optics Letters. 49.9 (2024): 2425-2428. 2. M jia, Z Wei, L Yu, Z Yuan, and F Gao. Noise-disentangled single-pixel imaging under photon-limited conditions. IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, (2023), doi: 10.1109/TCI.2023.3282041. 3. M Jia, B Sun, Y Wang, F Gao, Z Yuan and B Pogue. Photon-limited Cherenkov imaging of radiation therapy dose. Optics Letters 48.7 (2023): 1918-1921. 4. Jia, Mengyu, Lequan Yu, Wenxing Bai, Pengfei Zhang, Limin Zhang, Wei Wang, and Feng Gao. "Single pixel imaging via unsupervised deep compressive sensing with collaborative sparsity in discretized feature space." Journal of Biophotonics (2022): e202200045. (大封面论文) 5. Wu, Yue, Lin Zhang, Siqi Guo, Limin Zhang, Feng Gao, Mengyu Jia*, and Zhongxing Zhou*. "Enhanced phase retrieval via deep concatenation networks for in-line X-ray phase contrast imaging." Physica Medica 95 (2022): 41-49. 6. M Jia, Yong Yang , Yan Wu , Xiaomeng Li , Lei Xing , Lei Wang, "Deep learning-augmented radioluminescence imaging for radiotherapy dose verification," Medical Physics, 10.1002/mp.15229. 7. M Jia, Yan Wu , Yong Yang , Lei Wang , Cynthia F. Chuang , Lei Xing , Bin Han, "Deep learning-enabled EPID- based 3D dosimetry for radiotherapy dose verification," Medical Physics, 10.1002/mp.15218. 8. M Jia, P Bruza, JM Andreozzi, LA Jarvis, DJ Gladstone, BW Pogue, "Cherenkov‐excited luminescence scanned imaging using scanned beam differencing and iterative deconvolution in dynamic plan radiation delivery in a human breast phantom geometry." Medical Physics, 46.7 (2019): 3067-3077. 9. M Jia, X Chen, H Zhao, S Cui, M Liu, L Liu, F Gao, "Virtual-source diffusion approximation for enhanced near-field modeling of photon-migration in low-albedo medium," Optics Express 23 (2), 1337-1352 (2015). 10. M Jia, P Bruza, LA Jarvis, DJ Gladstone, BW Pogue, "Multi-beam scan analysis with a clinical LINAC for high resolution Cherenkov-excited molecular luminescence imaging in tissue,"Biomedical Optics Express 9 (9), 4217-4234 (2018). 11. M Jia, J Jiang, W Ma, C Li, S Wang, H Zhao, F Gao, "Accelerating nonlinear reconstruction in laminar optical tomography by use of recursive SVD inversion," Biomedical Optics Express 8 (9), 4275-4293 (2017). 12. M Jia, TAE JIN KIM, YONG YANG, LEI XING, et al., "Automated Multi-Parameter High-Dose-Rate Brachytherapy Quality Assurance via Radioluminescence Imaging," Physics in Medicine & Biology 65.22 (2020). 13. M Jia, Xiaomeng Li, Yan Wu, Yong Yang, et al., "Deep learning-augmented radiotherapy visualization with a cylindrical radioluminescence system," Physics in Medicine & Biology, 66.4 (2021): 045014. 14. M Jia, X Cao, JR Gunn, P Bruza, S Jiang, BW Pogue, "Tomographic Cherenkov-excited luminescence scanned imaging with multiple pinhole beams recovered via back-projection reconstruction," Optics Letters 44 (7), 1552-1555 (2019). 15. SR Ahmedƚ, M Jiaƚ, P Bruza, SA Vinogradov, S Jiang, DJ Gladstone, et al., "Radiotherapy-induced Cherenkov luminescence imaging in a human body phantom," Journal of Biomedical Optics 23 (3), 030504 (2018). 16. M Jia, H Zhao, J Li, L Liu, L Zhang, J Jiang, F Gao, "Coupling between radiative transport and diffusion approximation for enhanced near-field photon-migration modeling based on transient photon kinetics," Journal of Biomedical Optics 21 (5), 050501 (2016). 17. M Jia, S Cui, X Chen, M Liu, X Zhou, H Zhao, F Gao, "Image reconstruction method for laminar optical tomography with only a single Monte-Carlo simulation," Chinese Optics Letters 12 (3), 031702 (2014). 会议特邀报告: 1. Mengyu Jia; Xu Cao; Hao Peng; A Mechanistic Consideration of Oxygen Enhancement Ratio, Oxygen Transport and Their Relevancies for Normal Tissue Sparing Under FLASH Irradiation, 2022 AAPM Annual Meeting, Washinton DC, 2022-7-1至2020-7-10. 2. Mengyu Jia; Shuang Wang; Xueying Chen; Feng Gao; Huijuan Zhao; Parameterized source term in the diffusion approximation for enhanced near-field modeling of collimated light, SPIE Photonics West 2016, San Francisco, California, USA, 2016-2-13至2016-2-18. 3. Mengyu Jia; Xu Cao; Jason R. Gunn; Petr Bruza; Shudong Jiang; Brian W. Pogue; Tomographic Cherenkov- excited luminescence scanned imaging based on back-projection reconstruction demonstrates 0.3 mm spatial resolution for molecular reporter through 2-3cm of tissue, SPIE Photonics West 2019, San Francisco, California, USA, 2019-2-2至2019-2-7. 4. Mengyu Jia; Xiaomeng Li; Yong Yang; Lei Wang; Lei Xing; Deep Learning-Augmented Novel Radioluminescence Imaging System for Quality Assurance of Multileaf Collimators (MLC), 2020 Joint AAPM/ COMP Meeting, Online, 2020-7-12至2020-7-16. |
奖励、荣誉和学术兼职 |
·2021年中国健康长寿大赛优秀奖(省、部委级) ·第二届天津市“海河英才”创新创业大赛三等奖 |